View Profile AJ

Age 36, Male

Amish Country, Ohio

Joined on 4/14/03

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Posted by AJ - July 16th, 2009


Due to member inactivity, 3 votes one way or the other will determine results.

ALLHAILLAHARL - 4 votes for, 1 vote against. - He's in.

UCANCALLMEJESUS - 0 votes for, 3 vote against - Not in.

2534 - 1 vote for, 4 vote against - Not in.

5N1P35 - 1 vote for, 3 vote against. - Not in.

Exige2009 - 0 votes for, 3 votes against. - Not in.

This newspost is buried pretty deep in my history, and it's highly unlikely anyone is going to see this, so please speak your minds and don't worry about what other people will think when they see this, because they won't. Ok guys. I chose you all because I know you guys are quality posters and have contributed a lot for the thread. In case you haven't checked yet, you NEED to read the tentative Memberlist, Rules, and Apprenticeship guidelines I typed up or you're going to misunderstand a lot of stuff here. Link. Basically what we're going to be deciding here is who deserves to be members and who doesn't, how many votes it should take for a someone to qualify as a member, how often member votes will be taken, how many votes it takes to qualify as an apprentice, etc. We're going to use the comments section as kind of a message board. The memberlist I've comprised solely off of my own personal knowledge is this.

Inactive Users Are Marked As Underlined




Ok guys, the members list is finalized. I'm in a discussion right now with fahrenheit and HellboundNinja, so things might change more, but for now, I'm bringing up the idea that it would be better for every user that posts in the thread instantly be notified that they are an apprentice immediately, link them to the NGSM rules, and let him post for 2 weeks. At the end of the two weeks, if no member has brought up that the user needs to be kicked out of the thread at any time, then they become a Regular. At the end of every month, the Members will vote in people on the Regulars list who feel they are worthy of being Members.

Based on the votes I've seen below, I'm tentatively putting only Exige2009 on the Regulars list, and putting Tateos, 2534, UCanCallMeJesus, etc, on as Apprentices. I need to type up a detailed rules list and post it in the post I make to install this system, that way we can link all the Apprentices to that post and they can be notified that if they break those rules, they may be subject to getting voted for a ban from the NGSM thread. If they disobey that ban, we'll let a mod know that a user is being malicious in the thread, and they will be banned.


Right now the rules I have set are no ridiculous amounts of +1 posting, for example these one word posts we've been seeing lately, no trolling, and make sure you're contributing to the thread. I need you guys to suggest more rules and tell me which of the above rules you disagree with. Also, for now, Exige2009 is the only Regular with everyone else being an apprentice. If you guys feel someone else needs to be a Regular, or Exige2009 doesn't qual. Let me know. I'll give it a couple days, then I'll open the system to the thread on 11/19/09. Then, on the 28th or so of next month, we'll open up voting for adding members to the list, and taking members off due to inactivity or not upholding the standard.


What about 5niper, 2534, and allhaillahari? They've made some good sigs.

Sig making skills are only half of the prerequisites for a member. Members are supposed to set the standard as far as post quality for other users in the thread. I don't know 5niper, but 2534 and allhailaharl seem to be on the spammy side. ESPECIALLY 2534. I'm personally thinking that he and Tateos need 2 week suspensions to work on post quality. They're the ones that are really making the thread look like shit IMO. That's just me. Any other members have an input on these 3? Allhailaharl requested to be on the memberlist and seemed pretty mature about asking in the comment so he might actually be a good addition when given an incentive to post well.

We definately need allhaillaharl on the list. He's one of the best sig makers, and users around. We need more guys like him :)

I vouch for him!

I'm up for Allhaillaharl on the list too. He's a bit chatty, but nothing to bad, and nothing that I'd say wouldn't stop with a warning.

UCanCallMeJesus just got brought up too. So I guess I'll start up with the voting here. Before you vote, look through the users post history and make sure they are mature enough in your eyes to be looked up to by apprentices in the thread. Take your time and make a good decision and leave reasons why.

Allhailaharl - I vote no. I think he's a shoo-in for apprentice, but even though he has been active here for a long time, I don't think he's active enough to be considered a member. He rarely posts, even though he has the skill and the history to be let in. He's been posting here scattered for a long time, but he'll be here for like a week and then disappear for a couple months. Don't think that's very memberly.

2534 - I vote hell no. I had to go back THREE pages in his post history to find a post that had more than one line in it. He contributes little to nothing to the thread with his posts. He's decent with sigs, but he just spams too much.

5N1P35 - I'm assuming that was who you were talking about HWS. I vote no simply because he has 25 posts this year. Not gonna cut it.

UCanCallMeJesus - I vote no. I think he could be a good apprentice if he worked on his post quality a bit though.

To be completely honest, there is no real way to implement these rules as:

#1 There is no mod on board
#2 The original rules are still present
#3 Some of the best sig makers aren't here or take HUGE breaks between visits.

To expand on #3 people like Marsupial and TurkeyBean make awesome sigs, but especially with TurkeyBean take massive breaks so some of the best works aren't present.

Also on the subject of members I would personally say no to 2534, mainly because he abuses the people who are willing to make signatures as he changes his sig every few days.

#1 - There are no mods on board at EGB, NGPD, or the WI/HT? Regulars list either, but they still get by. It says in the C&C guidelines that the senior members of a club are supposed to regulate a thread so the mods don't have to. If someone blatantly disobeys these rules, the senior members will pm a mod and let them know. Don't worry about that. The mods will recognize that we run the show and as long as we do it as fairly and as efficiently as we can, we will have the authority.

#2 These don't contradict the original rules. Anyone who wants to come learn how to make signatures and try their hand at making them for people are welcome to try. PROVIDED they follow the BBS rules in the thread. People aren't right now. They're spamming and making the thread look shitty. In reality, we're enforcing the old rules.

#3 It isn't just about how good of a sig maker you are. You have to be an example for the new guys coming into the thread. Look at 2534, Tateos, and all those guys. They've got no incentive to post well or learn to make sigs. With the memberlist, it gives them the drive to be on that list, and so they start working on posting well and making good sigs. Next thing you know, they'll be members and great users. We should be building these young guys up instead of just letting them run rampant through the thread.

And I remember TurkeyBean. Definitely an amazing sig maker. I think a big reason a lot of those guys disappear is that there is no reason for them to stick around. With a memberlist and some incentives, plus being in a role where you can spread your skills to younger, eager apprentices, it might give the really good sig makers a reason to stick around.

Allhailharl-Maybe. I'm fine with him as a member or as an apprentice.

2534- No. Definately not. Did you see how much I had to lay into to him just to get him to try that one sig, and not make shitty comments? If anything, the 2-week improvment period.

5N1P35- I say apprentice, if he wants it and asks for it. Same reason as Mich.

UCanCallMeJesus- I'm fine with him being an apprentice.

Also, if Tateos comes up, no.

Allhaillaharl is in. I'm not going to close down voting until every user on the floor has 4 votes one way or the other. Then I'll give it a day or so to see if you guys want to submit any more names. Then we'll start voting on apprentices and get this shit up and running!

Oi, Mich, do want us to keep the voting to PM's from now on?

Nah. It's working fine just like this. I sent allhaillaharl a link to the post, so he should be voting when he gets on, plus all the people that don't know they're members yet. :P Just post your votes in a comment guys.

Well, first off, I'd like to thank those of you for voted for me for the support :D And of course, no hard feelin's Michelin, I'd rather have people voice their opinions than just go with the flow. Votes... UcanCallMeJesus... I've never actually seen him on the bbs, so I can't really feel confident that I'm making the right decision in voting Nay. Sure, he's an alright sig maker, but I don't see how you would need to make that many posts just to decide on your own signature.

2534 is a definite no for me. As a sig maker, there isn't much worse than making a sig for somebody, just to see them abandon it, and request a new one three days later. I don't think he'll be the sort to put any effort into his work.

5N1PE5... I'm not so sure yet. As with UCanCallMeJesus, I haven't seen the name around the BBS, but I think he may be an alt of Snype, a former member of Sinister Sig Makers Reborn. This is just a theory, mind you. I'm going to hold off on voting nay or yeay until I do a bit more research on this individual.

I'd put some moar of my thoughts in this comment, but I gotta drop a deuce >,>


Very well though out. I'm ashamed to be the lonely bastard that didn't vote for you. :P Good to see you're eager to help. :) Couldn't agree more about 2534. That's his 4th no go vote, so he's out of the member running. 5N1PE5... Well, we'll have to wait on some other members to get in and make an opinion on him. He might be a close one.

Derp, sorry for the double post, but I agree with XIII13, Tat is a no for me. Image editing skill, or lack thereof, aside... he seems to have grown a sort of superiority complex. I don't like to see narcissism from any of the NGSM's posters, let alone somebody of his caliber. But even his... witty comment about my return aside... he's spammy. Nay.

lol. You know what's really funny about that whole thing is Tateos stopped posting shitty in the thread. I think we've got him worried. :P I say a 3-5 day suspension and then let him apply to be an apprentice. That's a vote for another day though.

Exige200-(can't remember his exact name) just asked to be a member. I told him I'd bring up a vote.

Personally, I say no. Apprentice, for sure, but he's been around, for, like a week. So no member, Apprentice.

I say no as well. He just hasn't been active enough. He's a stand up guy and he'll be one of the best apprentices, but I don't want him to get on the memberlist and then disappear forever.

Of the two left, I'd say no to the memberlist for both.
They just haven't been around long enough to be honest.

They could make good apprentices though, and eventually make their way up to the proper memberlist.

Also, inactive eh? Most likely due to me having end-of-semester Uni exams and study eating up my free time. But that's over now, so I'll probably be able to pitch in a bit more often.

Well good deal man. :) I'll add your votes in. And I literally JUST marked you inactive like 10 minutes ago just because you hadn't taken part in any of the elections so far even though I'd seen you online. Glad to see you're on board.

THE NEWSPOST HAS JUST BEEN UPDATED. Members, please read the bottom 3 paragraphs.

Did you let Exige know, or should I send a PM off to him?

I'll let him know if nobody has any objections to it by the 19th. He's not guaranteed in yet.

I'm not really fussed on the members, just not Tateos or 2534. Simply because they are more spammy than anything.

Agreed. I'm going to tell them that they are apprentices and that if they continue to act the way they do, they will most likely get a ban from the thread for a few days, and it will continue until they learn.

I have no idea how you find me as a mature poster, but I'll just have to go with it.

With how shit the thread has been lately, you still set an example for the other guys. Plus you've been posting regularly for a pretty long time. I think you'll be great as a member, and apparently everyone else agrees because no one voted you off.

IMO, you don't spam nearly as bad as some of the other guys. I'm not saying you're perfect, but you're learning.

I've never had a problem with you Highway. In fact, you're practically a son to me. I taught you the way of the scan-line :3

On a side note, I can has plan. There WILL be sig competitions, and we WILL decide on a completely unbiased way to vote on winners... but what do the winners win? Besides fame, and bitches, of course. I sez we go ahead and start photoshopping up some ghetto trophies. Nothing says incentive to achieve more when you have your name displayed with a ton of trophies next to it.

Agreed. It needs to be like the Stanley Cup though. It has to have a list of all the previous winners on it. Might need to get a large image and link to it and post a small one in the thread. I completely agree with the plan though.

Oi, Mich, can we say voting is closed and start to notify members / regulars / apprentices? Also, I f we do that, you want me to PM a mod and let 'em know what's goign on in the thread?