View Profile AJ

Age 36, Male

Amish Country, Ohio

Joined on 4/14/03

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3,245 / 3,600
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AJ's News

Posted by AJ - July 16th, 2009


Due to member inactivity, 3 votes one way or the other will determine results.

ALLHAILLAHARL - 4 votes for, 1 vote against. - He's in.

UCANCALLMEJESUS - 0 votes for, 3 vote against - Not in.

2534 - 1 vote for, 4 vote against - Not in.

5N1P35 - 1 vote for, 3 vote against. - Not in.

Exige2009 - 0 votes for, 3 votes against. - Not in.

This newspost is buried pretty deep in my history, and it's highly unlikely anyone is going to see this, so please speak your minds and don't worry about what other people will think when they see this, because they won't. Ok guys. I chose you all because I know you guys are quality posters and have contributed a lot for the thread. In case you haven't checked yet, you NEED to read the tentative Memberlist, Rules, and Apprenticeship guidelines I typed up or you're going to misunderstand a lot of stuff here. Link. Basically what we're going to be deciding here is who deserves to be members and who doesn't, how many votes it should take for a someone to qualify as a member, how often member votes will be taken, how many votes it takes to qualify as an apprentice, etc. We're going to use the comments section as kind of a message board. The memberlist I've comprised solely off of my own personal knowledge is this.

Inactive Users Are Marked As Underlined



Ok guys, the members list is finalized. I'm in a discussion right now with fahrenheit and HellboundNinja, so things might change more, but for now, I'm bringing up the idea that it would be better for every user that posts in the thread instantly be notified that they are an apprentice immediately, link them to the NGSM rules, and let him post for 2 weeks. At the end of the two weeks, if no member has brought up that the user needs to be kicked out of the thread at any time, then they become a Regular. At the end of every month, the Members will vote in people on the Regulars list who feel they are worthy of being Members.

Based on the votes I've seen below, I'm tentatively putting only Exige2009 on the Regulars list, and putting Tateos, 2534, UCanCallMeJesus, etc, on as Apprentices. I need to type up a detailed rules list and post it in the post I make to install this system, that way we can link all the Apprentices to that post and they can be notified that if they break those rules, they may be subject to getting voted for a ban from the NGSM thread. If they disobey that ban, we'll let a mod know that a user is being malicious in the thread, and they will be banned.


Right now the rules I have set are no ridiculous amounts of +1 posting, for example these one word posts we've been seeing lately, no trolling, and make sure you're contributing to the thread. I need you guys to suggest more rules and tell me which of the above rules you disagree with. Also, for now, Exige2009 is the only Regular with everyone else being an apprentice. If you guys feel someone else needs to be a Regular, or Exige2009 doesn't qual. Let me know. I'll give it a couple days, then I'll open the system to the thread on 11/19/09. Then, on the 28th or so of next month, we'll open up voting for adding members to the list, and taking members off due to inactivity or not upholding the standard.

Posted by AJ - July 15th, 2009

Current Thread Competition: Here I'll put the name and a description of what the current competition is to make sure you don't accidentally submit an entry for an old competition.

Current Due Date: When entries for the current competition will stop being accepted.

To submit a photoshop, make sure you are clear on all that^^^^^ Then post your submissions in the thread. You are limited to 3 submissions per competition. Make sure you understand The categories your photoshops will be judged in so that you can create a shop that will earn you the most points possible.

When you submit your image, post a scaled or lowered quality version along with your post in the thread, that way users who just want to see the pictures can scroll through the pages without clicking links, but also include a link to a full quality image that you uploaded via imageshack or any other image hosting site so the judges can see what your shop looks like in full quality to help them make their decisions.

Other than that, just make sure that your image falls within the guidelines of the BBS Rules. If you have any suggestions or complaints about this system you'd like to make, feel free to leave a comment. :)

Posted by AJ - July 14th, 2009

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